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To keep it simple, your checkout typically has two parts:
The checkout page
The thank you page
Using post-purchase checkout extensions, you can add an additional page that appears after the order is confirmed, but before the thank you page. Which means your checkout will then have three parts:
The checkout page
The post-purchase page
The thank you page
On the post-purchase page, post-purchase product offers allow you to prompt a customer to add more products to their initial order after they've completed payment.
Accepted offers are added to the initial purchase, allowing customers to add more items to their order with a click of a button. Despite appearing as multiple authorizations, customers will only see a single charge on their statement.
Platter's Post-Purchase Offers extension allows you to set up personalized offers to display to customers after they complete checkout.
Behind the scenes, you control which products are displayed to customers. And in the front end, the customer sees an additional page after checkout, allowing them to seamlessly add products to their order.
The following is a basic example of how the post-purchase offer is displayed to a customer during checkout: